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Estupendo Spanish Resources

Updated: Jun 25, 2018

When it comes to learning a language, exposure is one of the six key foundations in my teaching philosophy. The more varied the resources, the better to keep your attention and interest, and the faster you learn!

Need some ideas about what you could use to help support your Spanish learning? Here's a collection of some of my favourites.


Duolingo - basic Spanish knowledge and practice.

Busuu - basic Spanish knowledge and practice.

Memrise - funny flashcards.

Brainscape - the world's smartest flashcards.  

Libro Móvil - Spanish audio books.

Collins Spanish-English dictionary - online or in book format.

FluentU - learn Spanish by watching authentic native videos.

Rosetta Stone - tried and tested language learning resources and course.

Mind Snacks - for iOS and great for kids.


Word Reference - online dictionary with vocabulary and verb conjugations.

Cuevana2 - TV and movies with Spanish subtitles.

Yabla - Spanish videos for teens and adults with speed adjustment, subtitles and vocabulary help.

Study Spanish - grammar and vocabulary help with explanations and practice.

About Spanish - interesting blog posts from experienced writers and teachers.

Es Español inicio - Spanish language series about young people living in Madrid for A2 (pre-intermediate).

Es Español intermedio - Spanish language series about young people living in Madrid for B1 (intermediate).

Es Español avanzado - Spanish language series about young people living in Madrid for B2 onwards (advanced).

Mi Vida Loca - BBC Spanish learning interactive video series about a trip to Madrid.

La Tienda de Luis - Spanish language videos for beginners, children.

Salsa - Fantastic videos for younger children.


Nuevo Avance - excellent adult textbook series.

Gente Joven - fantastic teenager textbook series.

Schaums language textbooks - grammar, vocabulary e.t.c. for support.

Auckland City Libraries - Spanish language collections (kids and adults).

Bilingual Tales (Scholastic) - great books in both Spanish and English for kids to enjoy and learn from.

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